Our Culture, Our Inspiration

One Tribe – Custom Filipino Tattoos

This website is a source for Filipinos or people of Filipino-heritage interested in getting their unique Filipino tribal tattoo. One Tribe specialises in the research and design of custom Filipino tribal tattoo pieces for the individual.

One Tribe's cultural pride and profound passion to gain knowledge of their ancestors' tattoo traditions have been the motivation to their work. Their goal is to revive the art which in the last century, most if not all of the Philippines' tattoo traditions have slowly vanished. It has involved years of research and in-depth study of the ancient mythologies, practices and the symbolism behind the motifs used in traditional Filipino tattoos, textiles and artefacts.

The mummified body of Apo Anno with its full-body tattoo still intact is said to be approximately 400 years old and a drawing by German author Hans Meyer of the Ibaloi Burik (tattoo body-suit) c.1880.
The mummified body of Apo Anno with its full-body tattoo still intact is said to be approximately 400 years old. He was a revered hunter, warrior and tribal leader from Benguet, and is a national cultural treasure of the Philippines. Image on the right is a drawing by German author Hans Meyer of the Ibaloi "Burik" (tattoo body-suit) c.1880. A living visage of a once beautiful tradition practiced by the people of Benguet which sadly was abandoned over a century ago.

The majority of tattoo designs by One Tribe are derived and inspired from the traditions of the Philippines northern Luzon's Cordillera region – The birthplace and homeland of the One Tribe family, and where most of today's contemporary Filipino tribal tattoos stem from. These sacred tattoos are not for fashion but are means for Filipinos to better understand and embrace their culture, and to be spiritually connected with those who paved them.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend with young Filipinos getting tattoos heavily influenced by designs of other cultures, which some finding it offensive, shameful and disrespectful. The cause may either be the lack of knowledge or interest in their own Filipino culture or for the sake of its "cool" image. One Tribe aims to rid them of this mentality through the promotion and education of the ancient Filipino tattoo art, which hopefully will enable Filipinos to appreciate and take pride in their own rich and beautiful tattoo traditions.

Please note all tattoo designs are original and created specifically for an individual. Each design is deeply symbolic and signifies one's cultural background and personal life story. One Tribe asks to please respect their work, the art and the wearer of the tattoo by not copying any of the designs on this website. Details on how to get a custom tattoo design by One Tribe are explained on the CONTACT page.